Create a Relaxing Space in Your Bathroom with a Little Organization.
The key to a tidy bathroom is having a space for all the necessities. Creating room for all of these the toiletries and linens we use on a daily basis can be a challenge, and keeping them organized is another task entirely. We have five tips for creating a relaxing haven in your restrooms.

1. Drawer Organizers: The easiest way to keep small items like cosmetics off the counter is to create a place for them that is easy to find. We love this cosmetic organizer by Rev-A-Shelf that fits neatly in cabinet drawers and keep items separated. This is especially helpful for toiletries and cosmetics that can get cluttered and messy if left out. It’s easy to clean and keeps the bottom of your drawers from becoming a sticky mess if something leaks.
2. Open Shelving and Baskets: Open shelving allows your bathroom to feel larger and more open, but they offer very little in the way of opportunities to hide clutter. If you’re looking for open shelving as a way to add storage space to your bathroom when you don’t have room for full cabinets, consider adding a few matching baskets for storeing all those items that can become eyesores.

3. Pullout Hampers: Nothing cramps the style of a neat bathroom like an overflowing hamper. Try as you might to avoid it, dirty clothes will eventually pile up, making the bathroom look messy and unkept. The best solution is a pull-out hamper to keep soiled clothing and linens out of sight, but are easy to remove for laundering.

4. Pullout Shelving: It isn’t uncommon for bathrooms to be short on storage space, especially for women. With hair products, skin products, cosmetics, nail care items, hot tools, etc., it is easy to run out of cabinet space and end up with items scattered across surfaces. Make the most of your cabinets with a pull-out self customized to your needs. Shelves ensure that the full height of the cabinet is being used, and make organization much easier.
Creating a clear plan for your bathroom renovation means knowing how you use your space, what tools you need access to everyday, and what drives you nuts about your current setup. If your goal is to have a beautiful, yet functional bathroom, we can help. Call us to set up a consultation today: 662-728-1533.